About Conference
On behalf of the organizing committee, I am truly honored and pleased to welcome you to the International Meet & Expo on 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, which is to be held on October 11–13, 2021 in Valencia, Spain.
Additive manufacturing has undergone tremendous development over the years. Through the advent of innovative solutions and novel technologies, the scope of additive manufacturing has expanded beyond rapid prototyping, and it is now being widely adopted in a multitude of industrial sectors. The aim of this conference is to facilitate discussion regarding the recent developments, updates, and state-of-the-art technologies in the field of additive manufacturing. We are very fortunate to have invited over 50 speakers from various disciplines to present their exciting research findings on a number of related topics. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the plenary speakers, keynote speakers, invited speakers, and all the participants for your excellent submissions to this conference. Indubitably, your passion for research is the driving force behind the rapid advancement of additive manufacturing.
This three-day conference is packed with informative and insightful presentations by speakers from renowned institutions all over the world. Short breaks are planned between the sessions for the participants to not only refresh themselves, but also communicate their knowledge and actively engage in fruitful discussions with experts of different fields. On the first day of the conference, we shall commence with a brief introduction, which is followed by a series of presentations from our plenary and keynote speakers. Meanwhile, the sessions on the second and third day of the conference will feature our invited speakers and participants.
While you are in Spain, I would encourage you to take some time to explore the sights and attractions in Valencia. Valencia is a vibrant and culturally rich city, and many interesting recreational activities are available. Please be reminded to adhere to the safety guidelines pertaining to the present pandemic situation.
Thank you for your interest in this conference, and we look forward to your participation.
Sincerely yours,
Kun Zhou
Singapore Centre for 3D Printing
Nanyang Technological University
Facts& Figures About The Event
Find the best solutions from people who share same interests by joinig your peers at the conference. We strongly believe in creating opportunities for researchers physicians, scientists, and other healthcare professionals globally through our multi-dimensional activities.
Plenary Speakers
Keynote Speakers
Invited Speakers
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Scientific Sessions
Submit Abstract We request you to submit a brief idea or abstract of your talk/presentation/symposium/workshop according to your session interest- 3D Printing Design and Modeling
- Modeling and Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes
- Novel Additive Manufacturing Processes and Process Enhancements
- Improvements of Established Methods and Materials
- New Material Formulations and Composite Materials
- Digital Materials, Lattices, and Multi-Material Printing
- Active and Electronic Materials Fabrication
- Multiple and Novel Materials
- Nano-Additive Manufacturing
- 3D Printing in Aerospace, Military and Engineering
- The Emergence of Additive Manufacturing
- Special Applications with Multi-Functionality
- Hybrid Additive and Conventional Manufacturing
- Medical Applications of 3d Printing and Bio-Printing
- Application of 3D Printing in Education
- Advanced Methods in Product Lifecycle Design, Testing and Adaptation
- Material Mechanical Properties
- Solidification Processes for Powders, Liquids, and Solids
- Rapid Tooling, Remote Manufacturing
- Economic and Social, and Humanitarian Considerations of Democratizing Manufacturing
- Advances in Personal 3D Printers and Consumer Adoption
- Mass Customization, New Business Models
- Material Performance Standards and Data Exchange Formats
- Electromechanical and Robotic Systems
- 3D Electronics, Electromagnetics, and Metamaterials
- Industry 4.0
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 30, 2021
Earlybird Registration Deadline: April 28, 2021
Standard Registration Deadline: September 15,2021
Onspot Registration: October 11,2021